
(Climbing, Swimming, Jumping, Running, Individual Sport)

Athletics is used for a wide range of physical activities requiring strength, endurance, and coordination. While a character’s raw strength or agility may provide a base level of proficiency, the Athletics skill represents training and experience in applying these physical attributes effectively.


Climbing allows a character to scale various surfaces, from ladders to sheer cliffs. A successful check enables the character to move at half their normal speed while ascending or descending. A failed check results in no progress for the round, while a significant failure may cause the character to fall.

Object Being Climbed Difficulty
Ladder or steep stairs Extremely Easy (5+)
Rope Easy (9+)
Steep hill or rocky surface Average (12+)
Wall or building side Hard (15+)
Mountain cliff side Very Hard (18+)

In the cases of mountain-sides and walls, the climb may not even be possible without some kind of tools, and those same tools may provide (shift+X) modifiers.

Circumstance Modifier
Using Climbing Tools (shift+1) or more
Wet or Icy Surface (flip-1)
Strong Winds (shift-1) and/or (flip-1)


  • Success: The character climbs at half speed.
  • Failure: The character makes no progress.
  • Failure by a Large Margin: The character falls from the current height, taking damage as determined by the GM.

Falling Damage: Damage from falling is calculated based on the height fallen and other conditions, as discussed in the relevant section of the Combat chapter.


Swimming enables a character to move through water or other liquids at half speed. The check represents the character’s ability to maintain steady progress in water. A failed check results in no movement for the round, while a significant failure could indicate that the character is struggling or drowning.

Swimming Conditions Difficulty
Calm water (lake, swimming pool) Easy (9+)
Slow-moving river or stream Average (12+)
Choppy water or waves Hard (15+)
Strong currents or stormy seas Very Hard (18+)

There may be other modifiers as well:

Circumstance Modifier
Encumbered (carrying heavy gear) (flip-1) or more
Rough Weather (flip-1)
Fatigue (swimming for extended periods) (flip-1) for each additional hour


  • Success: The character swims at half speed.
  • Failure: The character makes no progress.
  • Failure by a Large Margin: The character begins to sink and may start drowning, requiring immediate assistance or a successful check on the next round to avoid further complications.


Jumping represents a character’s ability to leap over obstacles or across gaps. It is primarily used during combat or while navigating difficult terrain. Specific rules and calculations for jumping are detailed in the Combat chapter under movement rules.

Jumping Distance Difficulty
Short jump (less than 5 feet) Extremely Easy (5+)
Medium jump (5-10 feet) Average (12+)
Long jump (10-15 feet) Hard (15+)
Extremely long jump (over 15 feet) Very Hard (18+)

There may be other modifiers as well:

Circumstance Modifier
Running Start (flip+1)
Slippery or Uneven Ground (flip-1)


  • Success: The character clears the distance and lands safely.
  • Failure: The character falls short or stumbles on the landing, potentially leading to minor injuries or complications.
  • Failure by a Large Margin: The character may fall into the obstacle or gap, taking damage as appropriate.


Running refers to a character’s ability to sprint or run long distances. While basic running speed is determined by the character’s <SPD> value, the Athletics skill can be used for endurance running, sprinting in combat, or pushing beyond normal limits.

Running Distance Difficulty
Short sprint (50-100 meters) Extremely Easy (5+)
Medium distance (100-400 meters) Easy (9+)
Long distance (400-1600 meters) Average (12+)
Extended run (1 mile or more) Hard (15+)
Marathon or ultra-distance Very Hard (18+)

There may be other modifiers as well:

Circumstance Modifier
Rough Terrain (flip-1)
Carrying a Heavy Load (flip-1) or more depending on weight
Fatigue (flip-1) for every mile run after the first


  • Success: The character maintains their speed and stamina.
  • Failure: The character slows down or needs to stop to recover.
  • Failure by a Large Margin: The character becomes exhausted, possibly leading to penalties on further actions.

Individual Sport

This specialization applies to a specific sport or athletic activity that doesn’t fit into the other categories. The GM and player should work together to define the relevant tasks and DTNs for this specialization, based on the nature of the sport (e.g., wrestling, fencing, gymnastics).

Sporting Activity Difficulty
Basic drills or routine practice Easy (9+)
Standard competition or event Average (12+)
High-level competition or event Hard (15+)
World-class or record-setting attempt Very Hard (18+)

There may be other modifiers as well:

Circumstance Modifier
Exceptional Training or Equipment (flip+1) or more depending on quality
Poor Conditions (bad weather, inadequate equipment) (flip-1) or more


  • Success: The character performs the activity as intended, potentially achieving a favorable outcome in a competition.
  • Failure: The character fails to meet the expected standard.
  • Failure by a Large Margin: The character may face negative consequences, such as losing a match or sustaining an injury.