The creation of basic monsters/NPCs follows a simple step-by-step process. It is up to the GM to balance things out, however, as the process isn’t perfect.

Step Zero: Choose the name of the monster

This can be whatever you want your creature to be called.

Step One: Choose a role

The role affects baseline statistics and may affect how the GM plays the creature while in combat. Creatures start with a value of 1 in each Aspect, which also results in a value of 1 for the associated Combat Values. <SPD> and <N> start with the default values of 5 and 2.

From there, however, the role will offer bonuses or penalties to certain combat values. The numbers below for STUN and LETHAL are multipliers, while the rest are simple additions or subtractions.

Designer’s Note: Each role gains a total of 2 points to combat values. For STUN and LETHAL, each 0.25 multiplier counts as a +1 or -1.

Artillery 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1.00 1.00
Caster 0 2 -1 -1 1 0 1 0 0 1.00 1.00
Controller 0 1 0 -1 1 -1 1 0 1 1.00 1.00
Defender 0 0 0 1 -1 1 0 -1 0 1.25 1.25
Generalist 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.25 1.25
Lurker 1 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 1 0.75 0.75
Scout 1 0 0 0 0 -1 0 1 1 1.00 1.00
Sniper 2 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0.75 0.75
Striker 1 0 1 -1 -1 0 0 0 0 1.25 1.25
Supporter 0 1 0 -1 1 0 1 0 0 1.00 1.00

Artillery are your basic ranged combatants and basic attackers.

Casters are creatures focused on <SA> and doing damage. Most of the spells they have should be related to doing damage and inflicting harm.

Controllers are spellcasters as well but with a focus on controlling and modifying the battlefield. They usually have less direct damage spells than a Caster would.

Defenders are tanks, shielding allies and taking the hits from the front line. They have higher physical defense and resistance, along with higher amounts of STUN and LETHAL.

Generalists have no specific inclination in combat and no increases to any combat values. Instead, they just gain additional health.

Lurkers are your skulks, your shadows, and your backstabbers. They focus on hitting hard in melee, but can’t take hits in return.

Scouts are quick and agile, focusing on maneuver in a fight. They have lower physical resistance and usually don’t wear heavy armor, which means they tend to avoid the front lines.

Snipers tend to hang way back, using their accuracy and long-range weaponry to attack enemies at a distance. Like lurkers, they have smaller pools of health.

Strikers are melee combatants who sacrifice defense for the ability to do damage. They do have enough health to soak up some of the expected retaliation.

Supporters are spellcasters who look to provide aid and healing to allies.

Example: The Blood Hawk Shotgunner is a gang member carrying (obviously) a shotgun. As such, the Artillery role makes sense for him. His aspects scores are all set at 1, while his <PA> and <PD> are increased up to 2.

Step Two: Choose a Type

There are four basic types of creatures and each one also changes Combat Values. An additional multiplier for Traits (explained below) is tied to the selection of the type.

Elite 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1.5 1.5 1.5
Solo 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 0 2 4 4 2
Minion 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.25 0.25 1
Normal 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1

Assuming the creature and the player characters (PCs) are at the same level, a good rule of thumb is:

  • One elite is equal to two PCs. They are formidable opponents and significant threats to a party that’s not prepared.
  • One solo is equal to four PCs. Fights involving solos should be epic and require every tool the players have in order to be overcome. They have enormous pools of health and enough trait points to gain powerful abilities.
  • Four minions are equal to one PC. These are still dangerous because of sheer numbers, but have little health and should be treated like the cannon fodder they are.
  • One normal creature is equal to one PC.

Elites are sometimes given a fate chip, based on the situation. Solos almost always have a fate chip.

Example: The Blood Hawk Shotgunner is a normal creature and gets no modifications to combat values.

Step Three: Choose a Level

The level of a creature is the same as it is for a player character. It indicates relative power and is tied to multiple benefits listed below.

First, the level of the creature gives it a certain amount of points to spend in Aspects and Combat Values. Remember that each increase of an Aspect will also increase the associated Combat Value.

Secondly, the level of the creature sets the trait points (discussed below). Trait point values can be increased by the type of the creature chosen in step two.

Lastly, the creature gains ranks in skills. “2 Skill 2” would mean that the creature has two skills, both a rank 2. Skills are meant to be a rough guideline. If, for example, instead of 2 rank 2 skills, you would rather have a single rank 3 skill and a rank 1 skill, that is perfectly acceptable.

This chart will be references in additional creation steps below.

Level +CV +Aspects Traits Skill Points
1 1 1 10 5
2 2 2 20 5
3 2 3 30 6
4 2 4 30 6
5 2 4 40 7
6 3 5 40 7
7 3 5 50 8
8 3 6 50 8
9 3 6 60 9
10 4 7 60 9
11 4 7 70 10
12 4 8 70 10
13 4 8 80 11
14 5 9 80 11
15 5 9 90 12
16 5 10 90 12
17 5 10 100 13
18 6 11 100 13
19 6 11 110 14
20 7 12 110 14

Step Four: Assign Aspect and Combat Value Bonuses

The points granted by the level of the creature should now be used to increase Aspects and Combat Values. The GM should be very careful here not to overspecialize the creature, which could result in an especially difficult or unfair opponent for the PCs.

Example: The Blood Hawk Shotgunner is only level one. This gives +1 to a CV, +1 to an Aspect, 10 trait points, two skills at rank two, and one skill at rank one. The Aspect point goes into Soft Strength [SS], which grants a +1 to its associated Combat Value, Physical Defense <PD>. The Combat Value point goes into Physical Attack <PA>.

During this step, the GM is free to customize the Aspects and Combat Values by lowering one to raise another.

Example: When designing the level one Bird of Prey as a companion for the Falconer class, it was apparent that the damage it did was very limited. A point was taken away from Initiative <N> and added to Physical Damage <X>.

Step Five: Pick Skills

The level chart specifies the number of skill points a creature should have. These can be divided up any way the GM wishes.

Example: The Blood Hawk Shotgunner is a rank-and-file member of a gang so he doesn’t have (or need) much in the way of skills. As a level one, he has 5 skill points and gets Intimidation 2, Survival 2, and Notice [SP] 1.

Step Six: Choose Traits

The level of the creature and it’s type determines an amount of trait points available. These traits are similar to Advantages that a regular PC may have.

The Monster Traits page has all the information and costs. Again, the GM can be flexible here and customize how he wishes.

Example: As a level one normal creature, the Blood Hawk Shotgunner has 10 trait points. Those points are used to purchase Reckless at rank one.

Step Seven: Choose Equipment

Gear is not managed like other aspects of monster building. Monsters should be outfitted with appropriate level equipment or “natural” equivalents. Minions will usually have equipment with the Cheap keyword.

Designer’s Note: This is still a work in progress. I would much rather codify the equipment options for monsters at some point, but the game hasn’t been tested enough at this stage.

A beast or other creature that would not use the same equipment as a character can still be given rough equivalents. For example, a wolf may have “rugged fur” that would give it the same benefit as Light Armor (+1 <PD>). A shadow beast may have scales or reinforced hide like Medium Armor (+1 <PD>, +1 <ER>). Bites or claws may have the same stats as knives, shortblades, etc.

Example: The Blood Hawk Shotgunner clearly needs a shotgun along with other basic gear a low-level gang member would carry. He gets a Carson Single Barrel (Single Barrel Shotgun), Knife, Leathers (Light Armor) and $2.00.

Example: For the level one Bird of Prey, it clearly cannot wear armor. However, we can choose to use a term like “Combat Training” to represent the same +1 <PD> we would get from light armor.

Step Eight: Other Details

Lastly, the GM should choose the size of the creature and keywords. Keywords usually don’t mean anything by themself, but are triggered or used by other game rules. Some sample keywords:

  • Human
  • Shadow
  • Corrupted X (where X is the number of levels of Corruption – See Adventuring)
  • Beast

Example: The Blood Hawk Shotgunner is medium in size, like almost all humans, and only gains the Human keyword.

Example: The Bird of Prey is small in size and has the Beast and Companion keywords.