
Regardless of if the source of the power is elemental, holy/unholy, the amount of magic potential someone has is given by their pool of mana. There are seven types of elemental mana (also known as elements):

  • Fire
  • Earth
  • Water
  • Air
  • Nature
  • Light
  • Dark

A caster’s mana pool may be comprised of one or more of these types of mana in various quantities. As spells are cast, a magic user expends points from his pool. Those points return gradually over time. The size of a caster’s mana pool is determined by their class. As a character levels up, their mana pool can increase.

Example: An aethermage’s first-rank Talent grants him a pool of 3 air mana. At level 5, an aethermage gains another point of air mana and a different mana type of his choice.

Neutral Mana

In addition to the seven specific elemental types, there is a eighth type of mana: neutral. Usually seen as weaker than the other forms, neutral mana is still very useful.

If a spell requires 1 or more neutral mana to cast, it can be either neutral mana or 1 mana from any of the seven other elemental sources. However, the opposite is not true. Neutral mana cannot be used to replace any elemental mana.

Choosing Spells

Spells are broken into:

  • Elemental Mana spells (Air, Earth, Fire, Water, Nature, Light, Dark)
  • Neutral Mana spells
  • Class-specific spells

If the spell is an elemental spell, the group the spell is in determines the primary element type used when casting. Other elements may be mixed in to modify the spell’s effects.

Neutral spells can be cast using any mana and do not have a primary element.

Class-specific spells are limited to that specific class.

A character’s chosen class will determine how many spells he knows. Usually, a class’s first-level talent will specify the number of spells known. As a character goes up in level, he will learn more spells. In addition, the Additional Spells advantage can be taken to expand one’s repertoire.

Example: An aethermage’s first-rank Talent lets him choose up to six Air Magic spells.

Casting Spells

The Cast a Spell action is used for casting spells. This normally takes 5 phases while in combat. Outside of combat, casting a spell takes just a few seconds of speaking and gesturing. To cast a spell, you must be able to speak and move your hands, although your hands may be holding items. You must have enough mana in your pool to cast the spell, as indicated by the spell.

Before casting, remove the mana from your pool. Recovery of mana is discussed below.


A spell will specify the amount of mana that must be spent to cast it. The spell cannot be cast if the caster does not have enough mana.
Some spells may have an X instead of a number for a cost. X is a variable amount of mana that can be spent, and the effects will be listed in the description of the spell.

Ranges and Targets

Spells will have a range associated with them. The standard options are:

Personal: The spell affects the caster only.

Touch: As part of casting the spell, you must touch a creature or object, or they must touch you. During combat, the target must be in your space or adjacent to you on the tactical map.

Distance: Some spells specify a maximum range in spaces for use on the tactical map.

Area of Effect: Some spells will have an area of effect associated with them. Areas are discussed in the Combat chapter.

Example: Davis Illwinter casts Detect Magic. It has a range of “Aura 2”. The spell affects the space Davis is in and all spaces within 2 of Davis.

Spells may also list a target type, which could be a single target (a single individual or creature), a space (usually for area of effect spells), or something else.


Some spells will state a duration before they expire. Others are listed as having an “Instant” duration, which means they happen one time, immediately upon finishing the spell-casting action. Other spells will have a duration of “Ongoing”. Those spells are explained later in this chapter.

Some spells even have both Instant and Ongoing. In those cases, there is usually an immediate effect that occurs and then a side effect that lingers.

Spell Modifications

Most spells have a basic version that can be modified through the investment of additional mana. An attack spell could have its range doubled using extra mana, or the area of effect of a beneficial spell could be increased.

Each spell will list how it can be modified and how much additional mana is required.

Targeting and Attack Spells

In addition to the range of the spell, it will also specify who or what the spell can target, along with any opposed checks that might be involved. If the spell is an attack spell, it works much in the same way as melee or ranged attacks. Spell attack checks involve the Attacker drawing a number of cards equal to his Spell Attack <SA>, modified as necessary by the Spell, Advantages, Disadvantages, and so on.

The Defender makes a similar check using either his Physical Defense <PD> or Intangible Defense <ID> (specified by the spell), modified as necessary.

The highest cards (plus or minus modifiers) are the final values. If the Attacker’s final value is equal to or higher than the Defender’s, the attack hits.

Unless the spell states otherwise, combat modifiers such as cover and elevation modify Attack and Defense as normal. There are no range increments for spells.

Spell Damage

If the spell does damage, that damage is handled like combat damage. The Damage amount and type (Physical or Arcane) will be specified. If it’s a Physical attack, it is damage reduced by External Resilience <ER>. If it’s an Arcane attack, it is reduced Internal Resilience <IR>.

The amount of LETHAL the spell will do is based on the amount of Hearts in the attacker’s flip, just like for combat damage.

Types of Arcane Damage

Arcane damage is occasionally listed like the following:

Damage: 6 Arcane (Type)

There are certain game effects that may offer resistance, susceptibility, or immunity to damage types. This is covered in Chapter 15 – Damage Types.

Just because an element is used in the casting of a spell does not mean it will have that type. Not all fire spells will have the fire type, for example (but most would).

Mana Recovery

At the start of each of the Zero Phases, any character who has a mana pool can recover one mana of his choice. This recovery cannot take a caster past his maximum in any element.

The Arcane Recovery Advantage can increase this recovery to two mana points.

Ongoing Spells

Certain spells are Ongoing X, meaning they have persistent effects until the caster decides to end them. An ongoing spell will reduce the maximum amount of mana available to a caster until the spell effect is canceled. X is the amount of mana that must be reserved to maintain the spell’s effects.

For an ongoing spell, set aside X mana used in the casting of the spell. It cannot be regained by any means while you are maintaining the spell. The mana set aside must match the primary element type. Neutral ongoing spells can be maintained with any kind of elemental or neutral mana used in the casting, but the mana that was reserved cannot later be changed for a different element.

A caster may maintain multiple ongoing spells at once, but each ongoing spell requires the reservation of mana.

An Ongoing 1 fire spell, for example, would require a continuous investment of 1 fire mana. That fire mana is set aside and cannot be regained during the zero phases or via any other means while the spell is being maintained.

As long as they are maintained, ongoing spells will last indefinitely. A spellcaster can choose to voluntarily stop paying the upkeep cost on a spell at the start of his activation as a free action. Upkeep spells also drop when a caster becomes unconscious, dying, or dead (but not when sleeping). If extra mana is used to enhance an Ongoing spell, that enhancement does not change the amount of mana that must be set aside.

Example: Davis Illwinter casts the Illumination spell, which has an Ongoing 1 duration. That spell provides dim light in a small area around Davis for 1 fire mana. Davis can choose to spend an extra point of fire mana and double the range of the illumination effect. Regardless of whether Davis casts the spell for 1 or 2 fire mana, he sets aside one of the used fire mana, and his maximum fire mana pool is reduced by 1 until he chooses to drop the spell’s effects, and the range of the illumination would be set when the spell was cast.

Neutral Spells


Mana: 2 Neutral
Range: Personal
Duration: Ongoing 1

You gain +1 to Notice [SP] and Notice [IP].

Arcane Anchor

Mana: 2 Neutral
Range: 10 spaces, single target
Duration: Ongoing 1

The target’s ability to teleport or use movement-based spells is blocked.


+2 Neutral: The target also gains the Slowed condition.

Arcane Armor

Mana: 2 Neutral
Range: Personal
Duration: Ongoing 1

You have a +1 to your <PD> and +1 to your <ER> as if you were wearing medium armor, but without the penalties to Athletics and Soft Strength skills. This bonus will not stack with any type of armor or spell effect that increases your <PD> or <ER>.

Arcane Lock

Mana: 3 Neutral
Range: Touch
Duration: Permanent

A door or container is magically locked and can only be opened by dispelling the effect. For the purpose of Dispel Magic, this effect is considering Common.


+2 Neutral: You may designate a passphrase that suppresses the lock for one minute.
+2 Neutral: The effect is considered Uncommon for the purpose of Dispel Magic.
+4 Neutral: The effect is considered Rare for the purpose of Dispel Magic.

Blade Ward

Mana: 1 Neutral
Range: Personal
Duration: Ongoing 1

You have a +1 to your <PD> as if you were wearing light armor. This bonus will not stack with any type of armor or spell effect that increases your <PD>.

Book Worms

Mana: 4 Neutral
Range: Personal
Duration: One hour

When trying to find information contained in a book, ledger, or similar media in a single room or structure such as a library or City Hall, you gain a (flip+1) bonus to any Investigation or Knowledge checks.


Mana: Varies
Range: 10 spaces, single target
Duration: Instant (reaction)

Countermagic is used to interrupt the process of focusing magic by another spellcaster. To use Countermagic, you must be aware of the other person casting the spell and they must be within range of this spell. You must then spend an amount of neutral mana equal to double the amount of mana being used by your opponent. If you do, the spell is canceled, although the time is still spent.

Countermagic is cast as a reaction to someone else’s action and does not take any time on the Combat Clock.

Countermagic can only be used during the initial casting of a spell. It cannot be used to nullify an ongoing spell.

Countermagic can be cast as a response to someone else casting Countermagic. This reaction can be done either by the original caster of the first spell or another spellcaster entirely. The cost of the second instance of Countermagic is double the cost of the first instance of Countermagic.


+1 Neutral: You may double this spell’s range to 20 spaces.

Detect Magic

Mana: 2 Neutral
Range: Aura 2
Duration: Instant

Detect Magic allows you to instantly recognize the presence of magic. You know if items within the area of effect are magical, but you don’t know the specific details. You know if ongoing spells are affecting the area, but you don’t know what those spells are.


+1 Neutral: You may extend this spell’s range to 5 spaces.
+1 Neutral: You learn the type of mana used that was used to cast any ongoing spells.

Dispel Magic

Mana: 3 Neutral
Range: 10 spaces
Duration: Instant

You attempt to end one magical effect within range. Choose one spell, magical effect, or ongoing spell within range. The target of this spell must be something you can see or detect as magical.

To dispel a magical effect, make an opposed skill check using your Spell Attack <SA> against either the original caster’s Spell Attack <SA> or a Difficulty Target Number (DTN) based on the rarity of the effect. If an effect does not have an associated <SA> or listed rarity (e.g., enhancement spells), assume the rarity is Common or Uncommon.

The GM may apply flip modifiers (penalties or bonuses) based on the relative levels of the casters involved.

If successful, the targeted spell or magical effect is dispelled and ends immediately.

Effect Rarity DTN
Common 9+
Uncommon 12+
Rare 15+
Very Rare 18+
Legendary 21+


+2 Neutral: You may target an additional spell or magical effect within range. The <SA> or DTN target is the highest of the effects chosen.
+3 Neutral: The range increases to 20 spaces.
+1 Neutral: You may attempt to dispel an ongoing effect on a creature, such as a curse or a buff, without needing to see the original caster. Use the DTN based on the rarity of the effect.

Echoes of the Past

Mana: 3 Neutral
Range: Personal
Duration: Ongoing 1

You tap into the residual energies of past events, allowing you to relive and perceive echoes of significant moments that occurred in the location you currently occupy. These echoes manifest as ghostly images and sounds, replaying events tied to powerful emotions, magic, or history within the past 24 hours.

While this spell is active, you gain a (flip+2) to Investigation [IP] and Notice [SP] checks related to understanding the events that occurred in the area. Additionally, you can attempt to interact with the echoes, asking them questions as if they were sentient beings, though their responses are limited to what was originally said or done at the time.


+1 Neutral: Extend the timeframe from 24 hours to 1 week.
+2 Neutral: The echoes provide more vivid and detailed information, allowing you to see specific objects, hear whispered conversations, or detect subtle magical influences.

Ethereal Weapon

Mana: 3 Neutral
Range: 10 spaces
Duration: Ongoing 1

You summon a spectral weapon of your choice that can make melee attacks independently of you. The weapon deals 5 Arcane damage and has a <PA> equal to your Spell Attack <SA>. The weapon has a <SPD> of 5. The conjured weapon follows all rules for Companions in Chapter 15 except it cannot be attacked, has no STUN or LETHAL, and does not count as a combatant for purposes of outnumbering, etc.


+1 Neutral: The weapon’s damage is increased to 7 Arcane.

Identify Magical Object

Mana: 3 Neutral
Range: Touch
Duration: Instant

Choose a single object that you are touching. If the item is magical, you learn its properties and how to use the item properly. If the item has a limited number of charges, you learn how many are left.

Instant Teleport

Mana: 1 Neutral
Range: Personal
Duration: Instant

You teleport, moving instantly to an unoccupied space within 5 spaces. You do not provoke opportunity attacks from this movement.


+2X Neutral: The maximum number of spaces you can teleport to is increased by 5 for every two additional mana you spend.
+4 Neutral: You can touch one willing creature adjacent to you and teleport them with you. They appear adjacent to you in any square you wish.

Mana Channel

Mana: 1 Neutral
Range: Touch
Duration: Instant

The target gains 1 neutral mana. This cannot put them over their starting value for their mana pool.


+2 Neutral: The target gains 2 mana instead of 1.
+1 Neutral: The range of this spell is increased to 10 spaces.

Mystic Shield

Mana: 1 Neutral
Range: Personal
Duration: Ongoing 1

You have a +1 to your <ID>. This bonus will not stack with any type of armor or spell effect that increases your <ID>.

Phantom Scribe

Mana: 2 Neutral
Range: Touch
Duration: Instant

You create a written copy of any text or drawing that you can see. The copy appears on a blank piece of paper, parchment, or other writable surface. The spell can replicate maps, documents, and even basic artwork with perfect accuracy.


+1 Neutral: You can copy up to 10 pages of text or artwork instead of just one.

Readied Reload

Mana: 1 Neutral
Range: Touch
Duration: Ongoing 1

You touch a weapon that requires reloading. The next time that weapon uses its final shot, it reloads to full capacity and then this spell expires.

Recall Object

Mana: 2 Neutral
Range: Touch, single target weighing less than 5 pounds
Duration: Ongoing 1

You can teleport the touched object to your hand as a zero-cost action. You must have a hand free in order to receive the item.

Soul Bond

Mana: 5 Neutral
Range: Touch, single target
Duration: Ongoing 1

You and the target can telepathically communicate over any distance.

Air Magic Spells

Air spells involve the sky, flight, and wind. Air mana is often used to enhance other spells by extending the range.


Mana: 3 Air
Range: Touch, single allied character
Duration: Ongoing 1

The target gains +2 <SPD>. When the spell ends, the target suffers the Stunned condition.


+3 Air: The time it takes the target to perform any action is reduced by 1 (to a minimum of 3).

Bolt of Solid Air

Mana: 1 Air
Range: 10 spaces, single target
Duration: Instant
Defense: Intangible Defense <ID>
Damage: 6 Arcane

You project a bolt of solid air as a projectile at a single target of your choosing.


+1 Air: The range of the spell is increased to 20 spaces.
+1 Air: If this spell hits, it pushes the target 2 spaces away from you.

Bubble of Air

Mana: 1 Air
Range: Self
Duration: Ongoing 1

You are surrounded by a bubble of breathable air that fills the space you are in.


+1 Air: The spell’s effects expand to Aura 1
+2 Air: The spell’s effects expand to Aura 2.

Creature of the Sky

Mana: 4 Air
Range: Personal
Duration: Ongoing 2

You transform your body into a small flying animal. The exact form you choose is up to you, but it should be a common animal you have observed, such as a hawk, eagle, or bat. The specific type of animal has no effect on the form’s Attributes or abilities. You are only taking that creature’s form. You are not becoming that type of animal.

  • You become size Small.
  • All your equipment is integrated into your new magical form but has no effect while you are transformed.
  • Your Physical Defense <PD> becomes 5.
  • Your External Resilience <ER> becomes 2.
  • Your Speed <SPD> becomes 10 and you can fly.
  • Your STUN becomes 5. If you drop to 0 STUN, you immediately transform back into your normal form. All LETHAL damage is applied to your character’s normal form and any damage you take in excess of the 5 STUN is subtracted from your normal STUN value.
  • You lose the ability to make any melee, ranged, or spell attacks other than an unarmed melee strike with your normal <PA> and a <PX> of 3. No Advantages or Talents can be used to modify this attack.


+1 Air: You become a medium-sized flying animal instead. Your <PD> becomes 4. Your <ER> becomes 3. Your STUN becomes 10. The melee attack changes to have a <PX> of 6.

False Aura

Mana: 5 Air
Range: Touch, single target
Duration: 1 week

You place an illusion on a non-living object, preventing Detect Magic from working normally. If the item is non-magical, you can make it appear to be magical and to have been enhanced by whichever combination of elements you choose. If the item is magical, you can make it appear non-magical or change the types of mana used in the enhancement.


+2 Air: The spell’s duration is extended to a month.
+4 Air: The spell’s duration becomes permanent and the effects can only be removed by dispelling it.

Feather Fall

Mana: 1 Air
Range: 10 spaces, single target
Duration: Ongoing 1

While this spell is maintained, if the target creature or object falls, it will do so at a safe rate to prevent injury or breakage. If cast on an object, it can weigh no more than 50 pounds and cannot be used to carry other objects or creatures.


+X Neutral: Choose one additional target within range for each additional point of mana spent.
+1 Air: The spell can be cast as a reaction to someone falling within range and line of sight.


Mana: 6 Air
Range: Touch
Duration: Ongoing 1

You touch a willing creature. The target creature gains a flying Speed <SPD> of 5. When the spell ends, the target falls if it is still in the air.


+X Neutral: Choose one additional target within range for each additional point of mana spent.
+1 Air: The target creature’s flying Speed <SPD> is 10 instead of 5.


Mana: 1 Air
Range: 5 spaces
Duration: Instant

You use your control over the air to create one of the following effects at a point you can see within range:

  • One medium or smaller creature must succeed on an Average (DTN 12+) Hard Strength check or be pushed up to 1 space away from you.
  • One loose object that is neither held nor carried weighing no more than 5 pounds can be pushed 2 spaces away from you. The object does not take or cause any damage.
  • You create a harmless sensory effect, such as causing leaves to blow and scatter, wind to slam shutters shut, or your clothing to ripple in a breeze.


+1 Air: If used against a creature, the DTN becomes Hard (15+).

Invisible Messenger

Mana: 3 Air
Range: Personal
Duration: 24 hours

You conjure a tiny elemental of air, invisible to everyone but you and the intended recipient of your message. You specify a location and visualize who the message is going to. You can speak a short message of up to 20 words. The air elemental will travel 50 miles per day to get to the location specified and look for the creature you visualized. The messenger will arrive and immediately deliver the message and then disappear.


+X Neutral: For each additional point of mana spent, the duration increases by 24 hours.
+1 Neutral: The speed of the elemental increases to 100 miles per day.


Mana: 3 Air
Range: 10 spaces, single creature or object
Duration: Ongoing 1

A single creature or loose object weighing up to 500 pounds that you can see within range rises up to 10 feet straight up. It remains suspended in the air until you end this spell. The target can only move if it has something to push or pull against or if some other external force affects it.

If the creature is unwilling, you must successfully hit it with a spell attack.


+X Air: For each additional point of air mana spent, the maximum weight increases by 500 pounds.

Predict Weather

Mana: 4 Air
Range: Personal
Duration: Instant

You are able to predict the weather for the next 24 hours, assuming that nothing magically influences the natural weather patterns.

Secure the Area

Mana: 2 Air
Range: Touch, Burst 1
Duration: Ongoing 1

You touch a spot on the ground and create an invisible cylindrical field that creates an alarm if a small or larger creature passes through it. The height of the area can be up to 20 feet above ground level. The alarm can be silent (a bell or other sound inside your own head) or audible to all who are in the radius of the field.

Shield of Solid Air

Mana: 1 Air
Range: Personal
Duration: Instant (reaction)

You instantly summon a nearly invisible shield made of solidified air as a reaction to someone attacking you. You must be aware of the attacker and not flat-footed. You gain +1 <PD> against the attack.


+1 Neutral: The bonus increases to +2 <PD> against the attack.


Mana: 4 Air
Range: 300 feet
Duration: Ongoing 2

You draw a picture in the sky, forcing water vapor in the air to condense, allowing you to draw words or shapes. What you create can’t be overly complicated due to the medium. The size of the creation can be roughly 50 feet per side and flat.


+X Neutral: The potential altitude of the writing is increased by 300 feet and the size of the creation can be 50 feet longer per side for each additional mana you choose to use.


Mana: 6 Air
Range: 30 spaces, Burst 4
Duration: Ongoing 2

You summon a powerful storm that unleashes lightning bolts, heavy rain, and strong winds in the area. In each Zero Phase, a lightning bolt strikes a randomly selected creature within the area, dealing 8 Arcane (Electricity) damage.


+2 Neutral: Increase the damage to 12 Arcane (Electricity).

Walking on Air

Mana: 3 Air
Range: Touch
Duration: Ongoing 1

The target of this spell can walk on air as if it were solid ground. You can walk up or down as if you were climbing a staircase (approximately 45 degrees in slope).

Dark Magic

Abhorrent Appearance

Mana: 4 Dark
Range: 8 spaces
Duration: Ongoing 1
Defense: Intangible Defense <ID>

You make a target creature extremely unappealing to others. If the target fails his defense check, the target’s [PC] and [MC] are both reduced to zero while this spell is in effect. The target is completely unaware of this effect and will not understand why folks are suddenly treating him or her differently.


+X Neutral: You may choose one additional target within range for each point of neutral mana you spend.
+1 Dark: The range of the spell becomes 16 spaces.

Anathematic Blast

Mana: 5 Dark
Range: 8 spaces, Burst 1
Duration: Instant
Defense: Intangible Defense <ID>
Damage: 10 Arcane

Dark energy bleeds into this plane of existence, scourging an area with the power of the Shadow. If the spell hits, the target and any creature in adjacent spaces take damage from the spell. Creatures with the Shadow keyword are immune to this damage.


+1 Air: The range of the spell is increased to 16 spaces.
+2 Dark: The radius of the spell becomes 2 spaces.

Bend Their Will

Mana: 2 Dark
Range: 5 spaces, single target
Duration: 1 hour
Defense: Intangible Defense <ID>

You attempt to warp a target person’s mind and make them susceptible to your commands. The target has a (flip+1) to his Intangible Defense <ID> if you or your allies are currently fighting it. If the target is hit, it becomes enthralled until you or your companions do anything harmful to it.

The target considers you to be a good friend and will help you appropriately. However, this friendship does not invalidate other relationships the target already has. When the spell wears off, the target knows it’s been magically manipulated.


+X Dark: The duration of the spell is increased by one hour for each additional dark mana you spend.
+X Dark: One additional target can be affected by the spell for each additional dark mana you spend.


Mana: 1 Dark, 1 Neutral
Range: 5 spaces, single target
Duration: 1 minute
Defense: Intangible Defense <ID>

You can magically blind your target so that all they can see is pitch blackness. If this attack hits the target is blinded.


+1 Neutral: The distance is increased to 10 spaces.
+2 Dark: You can select an additional target.

Blood Pact

Mana: 5 Dark
Range: Touch, single target
Duration: Ongoing 1

You forge a blood pact with a willing creature, linking your life forces. While the pact is active, any damage you take is split between you and the other creature, with each of you taking half the damage. If the total damage is an odd number, the other creature takes the odd point remaining.


+2 Dark: The damage is split 75% to the other creature and 25% to you.
+2 Dark: You can also share LETHAL healing with the other creature, with each of you regaining half of any LETHAL healed.

Bolt of Solid Darkness

Mana: 1 Dark
Range: 8 spaces, single target
Duration: Instant
Defense: Intangible Defense <ID>
Damage: 6 Arcane

You project a bolt of solid darkness as a projectile at a single target of your choosing.


+1 Air: The range of the spell is increased to 16 spaces.
+1 Dark: If this spell hits, the target gains the Dazed condition.

Cursebound Weapon

Mana: 4 Dark
Range: Touch, single target
Duration: Ongoing 1

You bind a weapon to your soul, allowing you to summon it to your hand at will as a Zero-Cost Action. The weapon gains +1 <PA> and +1 <PX> bonuses to all attacks. You must have a free hand or else the weapon will not appear.


+2 Dark: The bonus damage is increased to +2 <PX>.


Mana: X Dark
Range: Touch, single target
Duration: Instant/Ongoing 1
Defense: Intangible Defense <ID>
Damage: 2 Arcane per X

Your touch drains the life essence from a target. If it hits, the target takes 2 Arcane damage per dark mana spent in casting. In addition, the target suffers -1 [HS] and -1 [SS] as an ongoing effect.

Echoless Steps

Mana: 2 Dark
Range: Personal
Duration: Ongoing 1

You move with perfect stealth, your footsteps silent and your presence difficult to detect. You gain (flip+2) bonus on all Stealth checks.


+2 Neutral: You also leave no tracks or scent behind, making you nearly impossible to track by mundane means.

Ghostly Visage

Mana: 3 Dark
Range: Personal
Duration: Ongoing 1

You take on a spectral appearance, becoming translucent and difficult to hit. You gain +2 <PD> but cannot make physical attacks while in this form.

Immortality Contingency

Mana: 9 Dark
Range: Personal
Duration: Ongoing 1

Unlike normal ongoing spells, Immortality Contingency remains in effect even when you are unconscious, disabled, or dying. The mana you have reserved for the upkeep of the spell is not lost.

In the event that you die, you are instead teleported to the exact spot where you cast the spell. You reappear with 1 STUN and 1 LETHAL, no mana, and the spell expires. If you cannot teleport to the exact spot, this spell fails and you die.

Swarm of Annoyances

Mana: 2 Dark
Range: 5 spaces
Duration: Instant
Defense: Intangible Defense <ID>
Damage: 6 Arcane

You cause a cloud of mites, fleas, and other parasites to appear momentarily on one creature you can see within range. If hit, the target takes damage and moves 1 space in a random direction if it can move and its Speed <SPD> is at least 1. Roll a d6 for the direction. This movement doesn’t provoke opportunity attacks, and if the direction rolled is blocked, the target doesn’t move.


+1 Dark: The damage of this spell is increased to 8.
+1 Neutral: The distance the target moves is increased to 2 spaces.

Unnatural Darkness

Mana: 3 Dark
Range: 10 spaces, Burst 2
Duration: Ongoing 1

Unnatural, magical darkness blankets an area radiating from a point that you choose within range. It fills a sphere with a diameter of 25 feet (5 spaces) as long as you maintain the spell. The darkness will spread around corners and go through small gaps to fill the area. Creatures with darkvision can’t see through this darkness. Non-magical light will not illuminate the area.

If the point you choose is on an object you are holding, the darkness will follow along with the object. Completely covering the source of the darkness with something opaque will block the darkness.

If any of this spell’s area overlaps with an area of light created by another spell, that spell and this one are both dispelled.

Earth Magic


Mana: 1 Earth
Range: Aura 10
Duration: Ongoing 1

While within the area of this spell, models who have Hard Cover only gain the benefit of Soft Cover.


+1 Air: The radius is Aura 20.
+1 Earth: Friendly creatures in the area of effect do not lose any benefits of cover.

Bolt of Earth

Mana: 1 Earth
Range: 8 spaces, single target
Duration: Instant
Defense: Intangible Defense <ID>
Damage: 6 Arcane

You project a bolt of rock and stone as a projectile at a single target of your choosing.


+1 Air: The range of the spell is increased to 16 spaces.
+1 Earth: The damage of this spell is increased to 8.

Earthen Lock

Mana: 3 Earth
Range: Touch
Duration: Permanent

You touch a closed door, window, gate, chest, or another entryway. It becomes permanently locked. The object must be broken, or the spell dispelled for anyone to gain entry. A knock spell will suppress the lock for 10 minutes.


+1 Earth: You can designate a passphrase that will allow the object to be opened normally. Once it is closed or shut again, it is locked again.

Empowered Strike

Mana: 1 Earth
Range: Touch
Duration: Ongoing 1

The next melee attack by the target ally gains +2 <PX>.

Instant Barrier

Mana: 1 Earth
Range: Personal
Duration: Instant (reaction)

As a reaction to potentially being hit by a melee or ranged attack (after the attacker and defender flip cards), you conjure a shield of earth to protect you. The attacker must re-flip with the same modifiers as before.


Mana: 3 Earth
Range: Personal
Duration: Instant

You cast this spell and act as if you had taken the Charge action (making a Combat move and a single melee attack), although it is still treated as if it were the Cast a Spell action for purposes of the Combat Clock. If you hit with the melee attack, the attack does an additional +1 Physical Damage <PD>.


+1 Earth: The attack does an additional +2 Physical Damage <PD> instead of +1.
+1X Neutral: You gain +1 <SPD> during your movement.

Rock Wall

Mana: 3 Earth
Range: Line 3
Duration: Ongoing 1

Create a 10-foot-high wall of stone with <ER> 5. The wall has 10 STUN and can be destroyed.


+1 Earth: The attack does an additional +2 Physical Damage <PD> instead of +1.
+1X Earth: Extend the wall by 1 space per extra earth mana spent.

Stone Grasp

Mana: 4 Earth
Range: 10 spaces, single target
Duration: Ongoing 2
Defense: Intangible Defense <ID>

You choose a large or smaller-sized creature that you can see within range. If the target is hit, it is Staggered until this spell ends.


+1 Earth: The range on the spell is doubled to 20 spaces.
+2X Neutral: For every 2 extra mana used, you may choose one additional target within range.


Mana: 2 Earth
Range: Aura 2
Duration: Instant

You cause a localized tremor that shakes the ground within the area. All creatures within the aura must make an Easy (DTN 9+) Acrobatics check or be knocked Prone.


+1 Earth: Increase to Aura 3.
+2 Earth: Each creature who falls Prone also takes 4 Arcane damage.


Mana: 2 Earth
Range: Personal
Duration: Ongoing 1

You gain the ability to sense vibrations in the ground, allowing you to detect creatures and objects within a 30-foot radius that are in contact with the ground. This also grants a (flip+1) bonus to Notice [IP] checks to detect hidden or invisible creatures.


+2 Earth: Increase the radius to 60-feet.

Fire Magic

Fire magic is usually about damage and extra fire mana increases that damage. The more mana you channel in, the more damage it does, albeit with diminishing returns.

Bolt of Fire

Mana: 1 Fire
Range: 8 spaces, single target
Duration: Instant
Defense: Intangible Defense <ID>
Damage: 6 Arcane (Fire)

You project a bolt of fire as a projectile at a single target of your choosing.


+1 Air: The casting time for this spell is reduced by 1 phase.
+1 Fire: The damage increases by 1.
+1 Fire: If this spell hits, the target gains the Burning condition.


Mana: 1 Fire
Range: Touch
Duration: Ongoing 1

You create a small, magical fire that provides warmth and illumination equivalent to a mundane campfire. The magical fire does not consume fuel and cannot spread, making it perfect for cold environments or as a safe, controlled heat source.


+1 Fire: The first can also cook food instantly, reducing the time needed to prepare meals by half.

Dragon’s Breath

Mana: 2 Fire
Range: Cone 3
Duration: Instant
Defense: Intangible Defense <ID>
Damage: 7 Arcane (Fire)

A cone of flames shoots from the caster’s hand. The spell creates a powerful blast of fire that engulfs everything in its path, dealing heavy damage to enemies.


+1 Fire: The damage increases by 1.
+2 Fire: The damage increases by 1.

Fiery Aura

Mana: 2 Fire
Range: Personal
Duration: Ongoing 1

A magical barrier of shimmering fire springs up around you. This fiery aura can absorb some incoming damage before dissipating. You gain 5 temporary STUN which lasts until the spell ends or until used. If a creature hits you with a melee attack, that creature takes 5 Physical damage, reduced by <PR> as normal, minimum of 1 damage).


+1 Fire: You gain 10 temporary STUN instead of 5.
+1 Fire: The damage the shield does is increased by 1.
+2 Fire: The damage the shield does is increased by 1.

Fire Mine

Mana: 2 Fire
Range: 5 spaces, single space
Duration: Ongoing 1

You place a magical sigil on the ground. When someone steps on it, they take 6 Arcane (Fire) damage and the spell ends. It is a Notice [SP] check at the DTN of Very Easy (7+) to spot the sigil.


+2 Fire: The damage increases to 8 Arcane (Fire).
+1 Earth: The DTN to spot the sigil is increased to Average (12+).


Mana: 1 Fire
Range: Personal
Duration: Ongoing 1

This spell provides dim light out to a radius 5 spaces.


+1 Fire: The radius is extended out to 10 spaces.


Mana: 6 Fire
Range: 20 spaces, Burst 3
Duration: Instant
Defense: Intangible Defense <ID>
Damage: 12 Arcane (Fire)

You unleash a devastating explosion of fire that engulfs everything within the area. All creatures must succeed on an Intangible Defense <ID> check or take 12 Arcane (Fire) damage and be knocked Prone.


+3 Fire: Increase the damage to 15 Arcane (Fire).
+2 Fire: The explosion leaves behind a zone of burning ground, dealing 4 Arcane (Fire) damage to any creature that enters or starts its turn there.

Summon Minor Fire Elemental

Mana: 3 Fire
Range: 5 Spaces
Duration: Ongoing 2

You summon a Fire Elemental (Minor) companion.

Light Magic


Mana: 7 Light
Range: Touch, single target
Duration: Ongoing 1
Defense: Intangible Defense <ID>

You can attempt to send one creature that you can see and within range to Purgatory, a demi-plane of suffering. While there, the target has the Incapacitated condition. When the spell ends, the creature will reappear in its original position. If that’s not possible, it will appear as close to that spot as possible.

Blessing of the Eternal

Mana: 1 Light
Range: 5 spaces, single target
Duration: Ongoing 1

You call upon the Eternal to bless an ally. Whenever that character makes an attack or defends using his <ID>, he gains a (flip+1) modifier.


+X Light: Choose an extra target per additional point of Light mana spent.

Bolt of Solid Light

Mana: 1 Light
Range: 8 spaces, single target
Duration: Instant
Defense: Intangible Defense <ID>
Damage: 6 Arcane

You project a bolt of solid light as a projectile at a single target of your choosing.


+1 Neutral: The range of the spell is increased to 16 spaces.
+1 Light: If this spell hits and the target has the Shadow keyword, damage is increased by 4.

Cure the Injured

Mana: 2 Light
Range: Touch, single target
Duration: Instant

A creature that you touch regains 2 LETHAL. This spell can be cast on a target only once per day.


+2X Light: For each 2 additional Light mana spent, the target gains back 1 additional LETHAL.
+1 Light: The range of this spell is increased to 5 spaces and is no longer a Touch spell.

Dazzling Light

Mana: 2 Light
Range: 15 spaces, burst 1
Duration: Instant
Defense: Intangible Defense <ID>

A flash of bright light blinds all creatures within the area of effect. Affected creatures must succeed on an Intangible Defense <ID> check or be Blinded for 1 minute.

Detect Corruption

Mana: 3 Light
Range: Touch, single target
Duration: Instant

You have a chance to detect if a creature has levels of Corruption or not. When you cast this spell, make an unopposed skill flip using your Notice [IP] compared to a DTN based on the level of Corruption of the target. If you succeed, you know the level of Corruption, but not the ranks, that the target creature has.

Corruption Level Difficulty
Level One Very Hard (18+)
Level Two Hard (15+)
Level Three Average (12+)
Level Four Easy (9+)
Level Five Very Easy (7+)


Fear of the Light

Mana: 3 Light
Range: 5 spaces, single target
Defense: Intangible Defense <ID>
Duration: Ongoing 1

If this spell hits, the target suffers a (shift-1) penalty to attacks.


+X Neutral: For each additional Light mana spent, you may choose an additional target.
+1 Light: If the target has the Shadow keyword, the penalty changes to a (flip-1) to attacks.

Hallowed Ground

Mana: 5 Light
Range: Aura 3
Duration: Ongoing 1

You consecrate the ground in the area, creating a zone where creatures with the Undead or Shadow keywords are weakened. Such creatures take a (flip-1) penalty to all checks and lose 2 STUN at the start of each Zero-Phase.


+3 Light: Increase the penalty to (flip-2) and the STUN loss to 4.
+2 Light: Increase the radius to Aura 6.

Holy Protection

Mana: 3 Light
Range: 5 spaces, single target
Duration: Ongoing 1

Choose a creature within range. That creature gains 5 temporary STUN which last until this spell ends or they are used.


+X Light: For each additional Light mana spent, you may choose an additional target.
+2 Light: The target creature gains 8 temporary STUN instead of 5.

Immunity to Corruption

Mana: 3 Light
Range: Personal
Duration: Ongoing 1

You cannot gain ranks in Corruption.

Remove Corruption

Mana: X Light
Range: Touch, single target
Duration: Instant

A creature that you touch loses 1 rank of Corruption. This spell can be cast on a target only once per day. The amount of mana spent is equal to the level of Corruption the target creature has. If you do not know the target creature’s level of Corruption and don’t use enough mana, the spell fails. This spell can be cast on a target only once per day.

Unless you know for sure the target is Corrupted, you do not know the results of the spell. Creatures with the Shadow keyword are immune to this spell.

Resist Corruption

Mana: 3 Light
Range: Touch, single target
Duration: Ongoing 1

A creature affected by this spell gets a (flip+1) modifier to resist Corruption.


+X Light: For each additional Light mana spent, you may choose another target to be protected.

Strength of the Righteous

Mana: 1 Light
Range: 5 spaces, single target
Duration: Ongoing

Choose a creature within range. It gains +1 [HS].

Soulbound Weapon

Mana: 4 Light
Range: Touch, single target
Duration: Ongoing 1

You bind a weapon to your soul, allowing you to summon it to your hand at will as a Zero-Cost Action. The weapon gains +1 <PA> and +1 <PX> bonuses to all attacks. You must have a free hand or else the weapon will not appear.


+2 Light: The bonus attack is increased to +2 <PA>.

Nature Magic

Nature magic generally involves plant- and animal-related spell effects.


Mana: 2 Nature, 1 Dark
Range: Touch, single melee weapon
Duration: Ongoing 1

You coat a weapon with a magical venom that deals an additional 1 LETHAL each time it hits. The venom remains active for the duration or until 3 successful hits are made.


+1 Nature: The effect can be applied to 5 arrows or bullets.

Instant Rope

Mana: 1 Nature
Range: Personal
Duration: Ongoing 1

You create 25 foot of rope made of vines or other plant growth. The rope has the same toughness, tensile strength and weight as a mundane rope would have.


+X Nature: The length of the rope is extended by 25 feet.

Lightning Strike

Mana: 3 Nature
Range: 12 spaces, single target
Duration: Instant
Defense: Intangible Defense <ID>
Damage: 8 Arcane (Electricity)

You must be outdoors in order to use this spell. A bolt of lightning streaks from the sky and strikes a single target. If the attack hits, the target cannot take Reactions until the start of his next activation.


+1 Nature: The attack gains Crit: Knockdown.

Phantom Steed

Mana: 3 Nature
Range: Personal
Duration: Ongoing 1

You summon a spectral horse that can be ridden by you or an ally. The steed has a Speed <SPD> of 10 and can move through difficult terrain without penalty. It cannot attack or be attacked and must be controlled using the rules in Chapter 14: Adventuring. The phantom steed cannot pull wagons, etc.


+1 Nature: Increase the <SPD> to 15.
+X Nature: The steed can carry up to two riders.

Rapid Growth

Mana: 2 Nature
Range: Aura 2, including your space
Duration: Ongoing 1

The ground in an area immediately surrounding you is considered difficult terrain for all non-flying creatures except yourself. The aura does not move as you do.


+1 Nature: The aura moves as you do.
+X Nature: The aura is extended by 1 for each additional point of Nature mana spent.

Spectral Beast

Mana: 1 Nature
Range: 8 spaces, single target
Duration: Instant
Defense: Intangible Defense <ID>
Damage: 6 Arcane

A spectral animal of your choosing (wolf, eagle, bear, etc.) is conjured forth and charges at your target before disappearing.


+1 Air: The range of the spell is increased to 16 spaces.
+1 Nature: The attack gains Crit: Knockdown.
+1 Nature: You attack two targets instead of just one.

Thorned Grasp

Mana: 2 Nature
Range: 10 spaces, single target
Duration: Ongoing 1

Vines covered in sharp thorns emerge from the ground and wrap around a target’s legs. The target takes 1 Physical damage each time they take a Move- or Combat-related action.


+1 Nature: The vines extend to a second target within 5 spaces.

Water Magic

Water magic often has the side effect of moving or impeding the movement of its targets.

Acidic Volley

Mana: 2 Water
Range: 10 spaces
Duration: Instant
Defense: Intangible Defense <ID>
Damage: 6 Arcane (Acid)

A volley of acidic projectiles streak towards a target of your choosing, bursting into a gel-like substance that clings to clothing and skin alike. The attack has Crit: Burning.


+1 Water: The target gains the Burning condition even if there is no critical hit.

Aquatic Surge

Mana: 2 Water
Range: Personal
Duration: Ongoing 1

Gain a swimming speed equal to your normal Speed <SPD>.


+1 Water: Gain the ability to breathe underwater while the spell is active.

Bolt of Water

Mana: 1 Water
Range: 8 spaces
Duration: Instant
Defense: Intangible Defense <ID>
Damage: 6 Arcane (Cold)

You project a bolt of water as a projectile at a single target of your choosing.


+1 Air: The range of the spell is increased to 16 spaces.
+1 Water: The target is pushed 1 space in a direction of your choosing.

Cloak of Water

Mana: 4 Water
Range: Touch
Duration: Ongoing 1

You touch a willing creature. A shimmering cloak of water swirls around the target. The target gains a +1 to <PD> and +1 to <ER>, as if it were wearing medium armor, but without the penalties to Athletics and Soft Strength skills. This bonus will not stack with any type of armor or spell effect that otherwise increases <PD> or <ER>.

The target does not get wet from the cloak, but anything that attacks him in melee is splashed by the water.


+1 Neutral: The target’s instead gains +1 <PD>, +2 to <ER>, and suffers -1 <SPD>.
+2 Water: Whenever a creature within 1 space of the target hits the target with a melee attack, that attacker takes 5 Physical damage, reduced by <PR> as normal, minimum of 1 damage).

Cloud of Mist

Mana: 3 Water
Range: 20, area 2
Duration: Ongoing 1

You create a sphere of mist centered on a point within range. This mist can spread around corners and through cracks. The sphere offers heavy cover to any creatures within but imposes a (flip-1) penalty to all Notice [SP] checks made while within the area of effect.


+X Water: Increase the area of this spell by 1 for each additional point of Water mana spent.

Corrosive Touch

Mana: 2 Water, 1 Dark
Range: Touch
Duration: Instant

Your touch corrodes and weakens materials. If used on armor or weapons, the target item gains the Cheap keyword. This can be repaired with the appropriate Craft skill check (Average DTN 12+) outside of combat. If used on a creature, it deal 6 Arcane (Acid) damage.


+X Water: Increase the area of this spell by 1 for each additional point of Water mana spent.


Mana: 3 Water
Range: 8 spaces, single target
Duration: Instant
Defense: Intangible Defense <ID>
Damage: 8 Arcane (Cold)

The target also gains the Slowed condition.


+2 Water: Increase the damage to 10 Arcane (Cold).
+2 Water: The target gains the Stunned condition.

Hydro Blast

Mana: 3 Water
Range: 10, Line 3
Duration: Instant

Each creature in one of the squares in the linear area of effect must make an Average (DTN 12+) Hard Strength check or be pushed directly back from you 2 spaces. You choose the order in which the targets are pushed.


+1 Water: Creatures are pushed back one additional square.
+1 Water: Creatures must additionally make a Easy (DTN 9+) Soft Strength check or be knocked prone. Creatures immune to being pushed are also immune to this knockdown effect.

Nauseating Vapors

Mana: 4 Water
Range: 10 spaces, area 1
Duration: Ongoing 1

Choose a point within range. You create a sphere of ugly yellow-green vapor. These vapors can spread around corners and through cracks. The sphere offers heavy cover to any creatures within but imposes a (flip-1) penalty to all Notice [SP] checks made while within the area of effect.

Each creature within the cloud at the start of an action must attempt an Average (DTN 12+) External Endurance check. If they succeed, they can act as normal. If they fail, they must take the Forced Delay action.

Creatures that don’t need to breathe or that are immune to poison do not need to make this check.


+2X Water: Increase the area of this spell by 1 for every 2 additional points of Water mana spent.


Mana: 2 Water
Range: Burst 1
Duration: Instant
Damage: 3 Arcane

You create a disc of razor-thin water that spreads around you.


+1 Water: Increase the damage to 5 Arcane

Purify Water

Mana: 1 Water
Range: Touch
Duration: Instant

Remove all impurities or poisons from a body of water up to 5 cubic feet.


+1 Water: Increase the affected volume to 10 cubic feet.

Gun Mage Spells

Gun Mage spells usually grant a bonus followed by a free ranged Attack action.

Runic Shot: Arcane Barrage

Mana: 2 Neutral
Range: Personal
Duration: Instant

Take an Attack action with a ranged weapon. If it hits, you may choose up to two additional targets within 3 spaces of the original target. Each additional target takes half the STUN damage dealt to the original target (before reduction for <ER>). The damage is reduced by <ER> as normal.


+1 Neutral: The number of additional targets you can choose increases to three.

+1 Neutral: The range to select additional targets increases to 6 spaces from the original target.

Runic Shot: Contingency

Mana: 2 Neutral
Range: Personal
Duration: Instant

Take an Attack action with a ranged weapon. If the attack misses, you may choose another target within your line of sight and within 3 spaces of the original target. Make an attack against that new target, using no additional ammo.

Runic Shot: Countermeasures

Mana: 1 Neutral
Range: Personal
Duration: Instant

Take an Attack action with a ranged weapon. If the attack hits, the target loses Invisibility.


+1 Neutral: The target may not become Invisible for a minute after the initial hit.

Runic Shot: Deafening Shells

Mana: 1 Neutral
Range: Personal
Duration: Instant

Take an Attack action with a ranged weapon. The attack gains Hit: Deafened.


+1 Neutral: If the attack hits, after the attack is resolved, each creature within 1 space of the target must attempt an Average (DTN 12+) External Endurance check. If they fail, they gain the Deafened condition.

Runic Shot: Explosive Shells

Mana: 1 Neutral
Range: Personal
Duration: Instant

Take an Attack action with a ranged weapon. If it hits, each creature within 1 space of the target will suffer STUN damage equal to half the STUN damage done to the target, before reduction for <ER>. That damage is reduced by <ER> as normal.


+1 Neutral: Each creature within 2 spaces of the target will suffer the damage (instead of 1 space).

Runic Shot: Friendly Fire

Mana: 1 Neutral
Range: Personal
Duration: Instant

Take an Attack action with a ranged weapon. It ignores any cover penalty for firing into a melee combat or that would be granted by an allied character blocking line of sight.

Runic Shot: Impetus

Mana: 1 Neutral
Range: Personal
Duration: Instant

Take an Attack action with a ranged weapon. If it hits, the target is pushed directly back 2 spaces. If the creature is Large or larger in size, the distance is halved.


+1 Neutral: The creature is pushed back 4 spaces instead. If the creature is Large or larger in size, the distance is halved.

Runic Shot: Knockdown

Mana: 1 Neutral
Range: Personal
Duration: Instant

Take an Attack action with a ranged weapon. It gains the Crit: Prone keyword.

Runic Shot: Manstopper Rounds

Mana: 1 Neutral
Range: Personal
Duration: Instant

Take an Attack action with a ranged weapon. If it hits, the target is encased in a field of energy until the start of your next action. If the target willingly moves 1 space or more before then, the target takes 5 Arcane STUN and the spell ends.

Runic Shot: Silencer

Mana: 1 Neutral
Range: Personal
Duration: Instant

Take an Attack action with a ranged weapon. This attack is completely silent. Any immediate sound from a target being hit (such as the body falling to the ground, a scream or shout, etc.) is silenced as well.

Runic Shot: Vicious Rounds

Mana: 1 Neutral
Range: Personal
Duration: Instant

Take an Attack action with a ranged weapon. The attack gains the Crit: Bleeding keyword.