Appendix A: Conditions
Conditions in the game represent various physical, mental, or magical states that alter how a character can act. They introduce penalties, vulnerabilities, or other effects that can hinder a character’s effectiveness in combat or other situations.
Condition Severity
Minor Conditions: These usually impose penalties that can be recovered from more easily, often by spending an action to shake off the condition.
Major Conditions: These are more debilitating, significantly impairing a character’s abilities and usually requiring more effort or time to remove.
Condition Stacking
Conditions of the same type do not stack. If a character receives the same condition again while already affected, use the condition with the longer duration.
Bleeding X (Major)
- During your turn, if you take an action other than Recover, you will take X LETHAL damage. If you take the Recover action, you remove this condition.
Blinded (Major)
- Your Substantial Perception is at a (shift-3) penalty for anything that involves sight.
- You cannot see any target. Any melee attack, ranged attack, or other use of a power (such as trying to touch a friendly character) has a high chance of missing. Any of these types of abilities that are used will miss unless a Hard (15+) Substantial Perception check is passed.
- You do not count for the purposes of determining outnumbering in a melee.
Burning X (Minor)
- During your turn, if you take an action other than Shake Minor Condition to remove this condition, you will take X STUN damage.
Dazed (Minor)
- You suffer a (flip-1) on anything you do.
- You can make Opportunity Attacks, but they also will incur the (flip-1) penalty.
Deafened (Minor)
- Your Substantial Perception [SP] is at a (shift-3) penalty for anything involving hearing.
- You cannot hear anything.
Entangled (Minor)
- Your Speed <SPD> is reduced to half its normal value, rounding down.
- Your Attack, Defense, and all Skill Checks are made with a (flip-1).
Helpless (Major)
- Your Speed <SPD> is halved.
- Your Attack and Defense values are 0.
- You cannot make skill checks involving Hard Strength or Soft Strength.
- You do not count for the purposes of determining outnumbering in melee.
- You cannot make Opportunity Attacks.
Immobilized (Major)
- Your Speed <SPD> is zero.
- Your Attack, Defense, and all Skill Checks are made with a (flip-1).
- You do not count for the purposes of determining outnumbering in melee.
- You cannot make Opportunity Attacks.
Incapacitated (Major)
- You cannot take any actions.
Prone (Major)
- Your Speed <SPD> is halved.
- You get a (flip-1) on all melee attacks that you attempt.
- You do not count for the purposes of determining outnumbering in melee.
- You cannot make Opportunity Attacks.
- You get a (shift+1) to your Defense for ranged attacks against you from non-adjacent enemies. You get a (flip-1) mod to your Defense for melee attacks made against you.
Slowed (Minor)
- Your <SPD> is halved.
Staggered (Major)
- For all attack and defense flips, you discard your highest card.
Stunned (Minor)
- Your action must be the Shake Minor Condition action.
- You do not count for the purposes of determining outnumbering in melee.
- You cannot make Opportunity Attacks.
Unconscious (Major)
- You are Incapacitated and fall Prone.
- You lose all mana in your mana pool.
- You drop anything you were holding.
- Your Attack and Defense values are 0.
- Armor provides no benefit to your <ER>.